The problem with banning

The problem with banning

The problem with banningMonica Barratt
Published on: 13/06/2013

The problem with banning is that banning is one of the major causes of this problem in the first place. To take the example of cannabis, we currently prohibit the use of cannabis, although if someone is caught with personal use amounts of cannabis, they will either be fined or diverted for first offences across Australia.

Australia’s newest response to emerging psychoactive drugs

Australia’s newest response to emerging psychoactive drugs

Australia’s newest response to emerging psychoactive drugsMonica Barratt
Published on: 23/11/2012

Having followed this issue closely and recently published an article in The Conversation outlining the various policy responses Australia might consider in response to emerging psychoactive drugs, I was surprised to read about the passing of new commonwealth legislation amending the Criminal Code 1995 in The Age yesterday.

Synthetic cannabinoids in Australia: an update

Synthetic cannabinoids in Australia: an update

Synthetic cannabinoids in Australia: an updateMonica Barratt
Published on: 17/11/2012

Last month, we published findings from the first survey of synthetic cannabis users in Australia. When we asked people why they had first used synthetic cannabis, its legal status was an important reason.

The internet poses unique challenges for drug prohibition

The internet poses unique challenges for drug prohibition

The internet poses unique challenges for drug prohibitionMonica Barratt
Published on: 06/04/2012

The Australia21 report argues the “war on drugs” has failed and we should consider other options for controlling drugs, such as decriminalisation or regulation. In addition to these arguments, an important challenge for drug prohibition has been overlooked in the drugs debate so far: the internet.


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